Friday, 4 February 2011

My LinkedIn Page

I'm also on Linkedin

Closing Plenery Session

2nd annual social marketing conference - making it happen: changing behaviours and changing policy

4th june 2010 - nui galway

* Professor Gerard Hastings, Stirling University, Scotland
* Professor Jeff French, CEO, Strategic Social Marketing Inc.
* Dr. Sally Pears, Bangor University, Wales and “Food Dudes” Healthy Eating Programme
* Professor Paulo Moreira, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
* Dr. Ray Lowry, Newcastle University, UK

Engage, Empower and Inspire, 2nd annual social marketing conference - making it happen: changing behaviours and changing policy, 4th June 2010 - nui galway

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Im on Facebook now and will be using it more often so please link up with me there too.

Click here for my Profile